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The Benefits of Assisted Living Communities

When a senior citizen has Alzheimer's or any other mental or physical health condition that makes living alone dangerous, don't send a parent or neighbor straight to a nursing home. Instead, consider assisted living communities instead. These communities allow seniors to keep their quality of life and even come together with other seniors and create lasting friendships.

These communities often offer condo-like individual living spaces for each senior citizen. Full meals are typically served from morning until night, but the senior is allowed to cook if possible. At a community like Magnolia Senior Living, the senior can link up with others in their age bracket through community-organized activities like trips to the museum, the movie theater, and local restaurants.

Of course, the health of a senior is paramount. Assisted living communities often have the best staff of doctors, nurses, specialists, nutritionists, and dieticians on hand to answer any questions that a senior may have and to offer monthly (or even weekly, in some instances) health checkups. These communities tend to have a fitness center furnished with a pool or exercise equipment like treadmills as well as free weights. The senior can also opt to join a group fitness class to fortify new bonds.

The senior doesn't have to worry about being bored in these kinds of communities. These often boast plenty of amenities and features to keep a senior entertained. There may be areas of relaxation and a media space with computers and televisions. Each room should feature a spacious bedroom, parking lot or parking garage access, housekeeping services, as well as 24/7 security.

The benefits of living in a community like this are plentiful. The senior can feel as though they're living on their own even though they're really under the watchful eye of the community. The senior doesn't have to lose quality of life even to receive more close care. For more information about the benefits of assisted living, please visit the State Street Assisted Living website at www.statestreetal.com. 

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Unknown said...

This is great, I have always thought that assisted living would be better for seniors than nursing homes. It just seems more cheerful in a way. My grandmother is living in an assisted living home right now, and she loves it, but she is set against going to a nursing home. She loves the staff there, just like you said, so I definitely agree. http://www.jacobswellalf.com

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