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5 Ways a Great Community Can Make Life Easier for People with Alzheimer's

Memory support communities can make all the difference. When it comes to senior living, Alzheimer's can be a tremendous challenge, but it doesn't have to mean that you can't live a rewarding life. Here are five ways that the right community can make life easier for people living with Alzheimer's.

A Pleasant Setting

One of the biggest boons to living in a great senior community is the simple fact that it's a pleasant setting in which to spend one's golden years. A low-stress environment where people can be surrounded by folks of a similar age and live their lives in peace. A tranquil setting can make Alzheimer's a little easier to live with.


In a memory support community you will find staff that has been trained in dealing with Alzheimer's, as well as people living with the condition at various stages. In other words: people who know what you're going through.

The structure provided by the staff at a memory support community can help people to live a better life when there's so much that they might otherwise neglect.


Ultimately, it's not just about people who know what you're going through, but people who are sympathetic to it. You will find compassion in a good memory support community.


When it's a struggle just to make it from day to day, it's easy to forget to have some fun now and then and stay active. Many who deal with Alzheimer's and live alone find themselves becoming more reclusive and less active. Memory support communities provide an alternative.

It's a good idea to make a note of good memory support communities, and to budget for it in the event of Alzheimer's. Senior living financial planning can be headache, but it's important to be surrounded by understanding, compassionate people.

For more information on how an assisted living community can create comfort for those living with Alzheimer’s, please visit us at www.statestreetal.com

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