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Smartphone Apps That Can Keep Your Mind Vibrant Throughout the Aging Process

The first thing that most people picture in their minds when they hear the word "smartphone" is usually a young preteen or teenager walking down a sidewalk or other walkway, holding their smartphone up to their face while texting, apparently oblivious to the world around them. Though, smartphones are great for traditional communication, they can be used for so much more for those living in memory care assisted living facilities.

Brain Training Applications: How They Can Improve Overall Brain Function
In recent years, neuroscientists and software application developers have worked together to produce potentially life-changing smartphone apps for the billions of people in memory care facilities who need a significant brain performance boost. Five of these apps, all using different OS platforms, are:
  •   Lumosity
  •   Brain Age Game
  •   Elevate
  •   BrainChallenge, and
  •   Fit Brains
By far the most popular of these five highly recommended brain training programs is Lumosity. Included within Assisted living facilities Delaware, there are over 70 million users around the world. Based on the specific neuroscience field of neuroplasticity, scientists continuously work with America's best universities to develop ongoing research, software development, and platform improvements. Fit Brains and Elevate, both primarily iOS programs, are very similar to Lumosity in that they are both based on the proven science of brain improvement through stimulation and daily challenge.

Having fun while learning seems to be working for Memory Care Facilities in Dover, because Brain Age Game and Brain Challenge are among the top downloaded games for their OS platforms. When it comes to true brain fitness, though, it is hard to beat the more researched games such as Elevate, Fit Brains, and Lumosity which all have significant senior cognitive improvement measurements by the top neuroscientists in the nation.

Human Cognition Project Proof

The Human Cognition Project, affiliated directly with Lumosity, performed a field study of exactly 132,147 members of the app program. In this study, scientists analyzed the brain game scores of these members, which ranged in age from 16 to 74. With continuous use, members of an older age were able to close the performance gap closer to that of their younger peers, reducing age differences in overall performance. For more information on how cognitive brain training can help treat some of the signs of Alzheimer’s or other memory ailments, please contact State Street Assisted Living

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Memory Care Options for Senior Living

Smyrna senior living home health care providers have designated a portion of their services to tailor directly to memory care for seniors with memory impairment. A patient begins to receive memory care when they have been diagnosed with a cognitive impairment or Alzheimer’s. In the beginning, the hours received may be minimal as the patient is still able to function and live a somewhat normal life. As their condition progresses, however, several changes begin to take place. 

Some seniors might develop memory loss as a part of their Alzheimer’s and begin to regress back into a “second childhood”. Patients still living at home while diagnosed Alzheimer’s might require constant visits from a home senior care specialist. Depending on the severity of their diagnosis, their memory may come and go in cycles, with some days their cognitive ability seeming relatively normal. As the illness progresses, it might become pertinent to move your loved one into a senior care facility.

Memory care is normally provided on as needed basis, so treatment hours may fluctuate while the patient remains in treatment. As the patient begins the final stages of their illness, their treatment plan changes to accommodate for changes that are happening. The goal of care is not to cure or treat, but Instead to provide a safe and constant environment to curb the rate of the memory loss. At this point, the main concern is keeping the patient as comfortable as possible. Smyrna senior living professionals are given special training in memory care

They are well-equipped to handle Home senior care providers who provide memory care understand that their role is one of assistance. Medications that are provided are only given to make the patient more comfortable. In some cases, the patient may not want the medication. Their biggest comfort will be having someone to talk to and share their last hours with. Patients who are in the final stages must have caregivers who can provide emotional support, as well as adequate medical care.

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